Pavlikianların Tarihçesi İnanç Esasları ve Pratikleri

İskender Oymak, Prof. Dr.
Pavlikianların Tarihçesi İnanç Esasları ve Pratikleri
Dinî Araştırmalar
Dinler Tarihi
Dinler Tarihi (Genel)
c. 11, sy. 31
ss. 137-157
Paulicians, Belief, Religious Practicals, Heretic church, Anatolia
Pavlicianism is a heretic christian sect that emerged in the third century ıınder the Icadership of Paul who w as from Sıımcysat. The paıılician chıırch had reachcd a political and religious power in the VII. Century and rollcd in the histarical area. Un til the date of the last XIX. Centılry, Paulicians that emcrgcd in castcm Anatolia, central Anatolia and Balkans have lcft mo re traces. Paıılicians had be en characterized by Orthodox chıırchs as heretic but they characterized themselves asa ecıımanical clwrch and Orthodox church. They rejected sııbstantially the orthodox chıırch ritııals. They had qualified excessive lo ve of the memories of Mary and saints as a idolatory