Eski Türk Kültüründe Taş kaya Kültünün Elazığ daki Yansımaları

Abdülkadir Kıyak, Doç. Dr.
Eski Türk Kültüründe Taş kaya Kültünün Elazığ daki Yansımaları
Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi
Dinler Tarihi
Din Fenomenolojisi
ss. 129-144
Elazığ, Holy Stone, Community Religion
Throughout the history people have attitude sanctity to objects and events because of their different structure, perspective and specialty. On account of their superhuman specialty such durability, size, colour and resistance against time the Stones have been involved asamanifestation ofthe sacred in cultures and beliefs of communities in the world. In this study we determine the beliefs and applications which are indicated around the cult of holy stone and rocks in Elazığ. We also try to explain the meanings contained in practices which are indicated around the cult of stone and rock. Because beliefs related to stones are seen in old Turkish communities, we prefer to give information in the subtitle of “Beliefs related to stones in the old Turkish communities”.