Kırgızlarda Kurban Fenomeni

Durmuş Arık, Prof. Dr.
Kırgızlarda Kurban Fenomeni
Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
Dinler Tarihi
Geleneksel Türk Dini
ss. 157-174
Kyrgyz, Sacrifice, Offering, Libation, Traditional Turkic Religion
The Phenomenon of Sacrifice in Kyrgyz People. The Kyrgyz people, who are considered
one of the ancient peoples in the history of the Turks, have continued old traditions, customs and
beliefs of the Turk peoples up to our time. The most anraetive ones of them are the beliefs and the
customs connected with sacrifice. The Kyrgyz people have continued the custom of sacrifice,
which has stili been the most important custom in the lives of Turks and Central Asian people.
Therefore, the research of sacrificial custom of the Kyrgyz people contributes to understanding the
religious history of the Turk people. The custom of sacrifice of the Kyrgyz people is researched and
analysed in this artiele.