Türk Kültürünün Farklı Bir Boyutu Olarak Kreşin-Hristiyan Tatarların Dini İnanışları

Durmuş Arık, Prof. Dr.
Türk Kültürünün Farklı Bir Boyutu Olarak Kreşin-Hristiyan Tatarların Dini İnanışları
Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
Dinler Tarihi
Geleneksel Türk Dini
XLVII sy. 1
ss. 67-86
Kryashens - Baptized Tatars, Christian Turkish Community, Russia, Christianity, Islam, Conversion
Religious Beliefs of Kryashen (Baptized-Christian) Tatars as a Different Dimension
of Turkish Culture. Turkish Community has chosen Islam as a religion in general and Turkish
culture has been formed with Islam mostly. However, Christianity has found an opportunity to
spread among Turkish groups due to various reasons throughout the history as well. Within this
respect, Christian Turks (Gagauses, Chuvashes, Kryashens –Baptized-Christian Tatars) have made
up a different dimension of Turkish culture. Kryashen Tatars who live in the Autonomy Republic of
Tatarstan of Russian Federation today is of a great significance in terms of being one of the Turkish
communities converted into Christianity from Islam and of Turkish religion history. Although
Christians, they have some common traditional beliefs and applications at the territory of Islam
and all Turkish communities in their faith. Having a unity of origin, language and history with
Muslim Tatars, Kryashen Tatars are being considered and presented as a separate ethnic group by
Russian researchers in particular at the historical process which starts with baptism and carry on
up to now. Taking all these mentioned above into consideration, the place, religion, history and
beliefs of Kryashen Tatars in Turkish religion history will be studied in the paper.