Türk Yahudileri: Kırım Karâileri

Durmuş Arık, Prof. Dr.
Türk Yahudileri: Kırım Karâileri
Dinî Araştırmalar
Dinî Araştırmalar
Dinler Tarihi
Geleneksel Türk Dini
c. 7 sy. 21
ss. 27-50
Turks, Judaism, Jews, Khazars, Karaism, Karaites, Crimea.
At present, due to histarical and geographical circumstances, other religions spread
among Turlcs who are mostly Muslim. Judaism, in which religious and ethnical identity
became identical after having acquired a national character in time, became, as well,
one of the religions recognized by same Turkish groups. Khazars constitute the main
example of Jewish Turkish people known in the history. Howeveı; they have adopted the
religious sect called "Karai.sm ·~ which emergedfrom Judai.sm, and sustained their ethnical
character along with their new religious beliefs. D esp i te the fact that the ir numbers are
low taday, Crimean Karaites have been partly seen as successors of Khazar culture and
Khazars, and moreoveı; the traces of Turkish culture have been maintaine.d in their
lives. A research on religious beliefs and ethnical characters of Crimean Karaites is
attributed crudal importance in point of Turkish religious and cultural history. In this
article, in addition to Karaism, the ethnical characters, beliefs, ceremonies, traditions
and characteri.stics which they inheritedfrom Turkish culture, of Crimean Karaites will
be discussed