Türk Halk İnanışlarında Örtmece ve Gerçeği Gizleme ile İlgili Uygulamalar: Doğum ve Ölüm Örneği

Durmuş Arık, Prof. Dr.
Türk Halk İnanışlarında Örtmece ve Gerçeği Gizleme ile İlgili Uygulamalar: Doğum ve Ölüm Örneği
Dinî Araştırmalar
Dinî Araştırmalar
Dinler Tarihi
Geleneksel Türk Dini
c. 13 sy. 36
ss. 1-20
Dissimulation, euphemism, birth, death, Turkish folk beliefs
Every language contains expressions that would be improper, tactless, rude,
or even disgraceful to use in certain situations, and every culture similarly
censures certain forms of behavior. When one wants to express something so
censured in language, one uses a form of dissimulation known as a euphemism.
When one wants to act in a way not permitted by one's society one uses a
different form of dissimulation, affecting the semblance of propriety while doing
something inappropriate. Both verbal and behavioral dissimulation are used
positively in certain cultures to ward off or fool evil spirits. In this article, verbal
and behavioral dissimulative practices are examined and analyzed in different
Turkish communities. The scope of this study is limited to such practices as they
pertain to birth and death