Dinlerde Günah Kavramı ve Kurtuluş Yolları

Kadir Albayrak, Prof. Dr.
Dinlerde Günah Kavramı ve Kurtuluş Yolları
Dinî Araştırmalar
Dinî Araştırmalar
Dinler Tarihi
Dinlerarası Tasavvurlar
c. 4, sy. 2
ss. 87-107
21 s.
Sin, Salvation, Good deed, Pray, Fasting, Repentance, Evil,
Sacred, Meditation, Purity, Religious experience
The subject of the nature of the human being is one that has received extensive coverage in the religions of the world. One hand, all world's religions have the idea of a fall from grace and the concept of sin. On the other hand, according to the all religions, mankind can or must get rid of from this sin. But how can they reach to the salvation? We can see comman methods or technics in each religion. For instance, repentance, purity, good deeds, prayer, fasting, respect to the sacred beings, times and places etc. We aimed in this article a comparative approach to the sin, salvation methods and saviors in same great religions of the world.